Friday, March 5, 2010

It's been a minute since I have last written. They always tell you to succeed in something you have to believe in yourself. They always say that you can do anything you put your mind to. They say that you can change your life and achieve great things by deciding what you want to do and taking action toward achieving your dreams. All the pep talk serves a purpose. We need it. We need the affirmations because our environment reflects what we feel and think about ourselves internally. We need to put positive thoughts and feelings in our minds in order to make positive things happen. But what they don't tell us is that when we decide to change our lives and put ourselves on a new path, all kinds of other things happen to stop the progress. That brings me to the art of understanding the astrological chart as usual. Generally speaking, we all have planets in our chart that have a job to do. Some planets work with others and some work alone. Some act as benefic agents, helping us grown and buoy challenges and stresses while others self sabotage. Some planets wield a lot of power and some are relatively weak. Specifically, I have a group of three planets in the same sign (Libra) very tightly knit. They work together ALL the time. One planet never does anything without the other two. They are in essence, the Three Musketeers. It just so happens that these planets are the Moon—representing my subconscious, my emotional needs and security, my instincts, my mother and my habits, Uranus—the planet of rebellion, upheaval, genius, insanity, sudden shocks and sudden changes. These two planets are in exact conjunction (meaning the same sign with the same degree--and there are thirty degrees in each sign) paired with Jupiter the planet of expansion, of the higher mind, luck, entertainment, over-doing it, my broadview with the outerworld and my well-spring of wisdom. Let's see now, in addition to having to go to court (this would be about finances and Jupiter rules my second house of finances), I got a seventeen paged, single-spaced, type letter of hatred and anger splattered in between mostly Old-Testament, Hell-Fire and Brimstone Style Biblical verses. This lovely letter came from my mother (did I mention the moon rules mother?) and all this chaos (that lovely loose-canon, Uranus) is going to finally either kill me or set me free (which option do you think will be my final outcome?!). More later, have to do some martian activity (exercise) and get the baby some air.

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