Tuesday, November 29, 2011

F#$%ked First Quarter

Child number 2's first visit to the ER resulted in a plastic surgeon suturing her poor little baby pinkie which had a missing nail bed and severed tip from being slammed in a door. Now that that harrowing experience is behind me, I can go to sleep without having done anything I had originally planned to do today.

This morning she literally pulled me out of bed. She took my hand and pulled me until my body heavily rolled off the edge of the platform bed. Sigh. Tomorrow is a new day. I feel like I am hung over from taking some shitty sleeping pills without having enjoyed the comatose sleep.

Since I am unwilling and unable to go to bed before midnight, I have seventeen minutes with which to scan  some positive affirmations, make a quick checklist in my head and write one sentence on Lunology.

Crappy Crapricorn Moon

Damn it, the moon is in my sign, but void-of-course. I was trying to think about what to write about since I missed the new moon. Running through my head are the myriad of inner demons that must be slain in order for me to reach my goal of being a successful person. I certainly have a lot of work to do in the next thirty days. It's actually terrifying. One of the reasons is that my life is on the decline. Not a lot of time left.
Doing a little at a time is not enough. How to overcome procrastination? How to overcome the lack of persistence? How to keep on when I just want to sleep? I've decided that when I get really old–surely you heard that old people sleep very little, is it because they are trying to get the most out of their last few days?–I will never eat or sleep. But right now I look like I am literally 20 years old. Although my body has not been able to stave off middle age in the weight department. Not for the lack of my trying the methods that worked pre-children! Now, when I run, I feel as though my heart will suddenly stop. These extra 30ish pounds cause me to be sluggish and tired for the entire time I attempt to move.

Persistence. I need to read the Think and Grow Rich chapter every night for 30 days. I need to dedicate some time to my app every night for the next 30 days. Need to not eat for 30 days. The problem is that I wont do any of this every day for thirty days. I will attempt 24 (except eating) days. That's 80%. Shorter, more frequent entries. Less Bejeweled Blitz. Can I give up simple sugars?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Full Bull Moon Doth Mountains Move 11/11/11

I really need to write at least every moon phase. OK I don't have a good excuse (off the subject for a nanosecond, but I really need to look up how to make smart quotes for blog entries) for slogging off regularly except that I have been making a concerted effort to run three to four times a week (it should be more like three four times to the seventh power) and have been climbing into bed right after the rug rats have been put down. I do have a good excuse, however, for not having written last night, the full moon in Taurus, because I was soaking up information given from neurological pediatrician Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD on how to treat complex neurological problems with herbs. I can't say how I came to be wired to intuitively understand some forms of biochemistry, but for some reason, I innately understand, to a small extent, how neurotransmitters work in the brain and how neural networks function when handling oxidative stressors or excitors. Perhaps early exposure to the concept of mitochondria in Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time gave me a starting point for understanding cellular structure. Having exposure to these concepts gave me confidence in knowing that DNA can be altered and restructured all throughout one's lifetime. And this often can be done quickly by nutrition and botanicals. Since K has been off casein and gluten for a very short time, she has changed tremendously for the better. Today she was repeating the "p" sound in speech therapy on demand. This was earth-shattering for the therapist and I. The full moon brought me valuable information as well as positively charged, stabilized energy that will enable us to help shape her into the genius she is. I am eternally grateful to the Universe that I have agreed to help us (the child and I) learn this information in my lifetime.

Secondly, someone asked me to join a panel for the United Nations regarding the number of families and individuals affected by autism in the African Diaspora in America. This, of course, has been a mission that has already been laid out. So I didn't really do any rituals or full moon paper burning type cleansing per se, but many mountains have moved. They just happen to move slowly sometimes unless detonated by the Earth swallowing them up whole. As a Capricorn, you understand that I must occasionally move mountains instead of climbing every last one to in order to reach its peak.