Tuesday, November 29, 2011

F#$%ked First Quarter

Child number 2's first visit to the ER resulted in a plastic surgeon suturing her poor little baby pinkie which had a missing nail bed and severed tip from being slammed in a door. Now that that harrowing experience is behind me, I can go to sleep without having done anything I had originally planned to do today.

This morning she literally pulled me out of bed. She took my hand and pulled me until my body heavily rolled off the edge of the platform bed. Sigh. Tomorrow is a new day. I feel like I am hung over from taking some shitty sleeping pills without having enjoyed the comatose sleep.

Since I am unwilling and unable to go to bed before midnight, I have seventeen minutes with which to scan  some positive affirmations, make a quick checklist in my head and write one sentence on Lunology.

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