Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sixth house of Work and Health, I am leaving you behind for good. Oh wait, not the Health Part

It's time to put my inspiration to work... After pretty much scouring the availability of jobs, I have firmly decided that there is absolutely nothing available that I want to do. Maybe it's all in my head, but the concept of drudgery, stress and subordination to someone else's dream is not in the (tarot) cards or stars for me. I want to launch my venture but I am currently still lacking the expertise. So universe, lend me a hand, will ya? I am willing to do the work but I need the missing pieces of the puzzle to just miraculously appear before my very eyes.

Having said that, my sixth house sucks. Why? Because natal Saturn is in Aries which is at its weakest point. I hate taking orders, I hate having to act on someone else's stage, I have people who think they have control over others and I hate being told what to do if I didn't ask (but of course I don't have a problem dishing out advice). Aries is not into taking advice. Saturn is all about shoving advice down your gullet and if it's not taken, then you get punished and roughed up a bit by the authorities.  I am thankful for my great health (aside from a little sugar addiction). I don't mind following the rules if it's for my own proactive benefit and I get to call the shots.

So trying not to start and stop and stop and start, I am going to complete other projects I started doing within the next week.

1) I am trying to catch up on my business plan. Can I get caught up this Memorial Day weekend? Who knows?! Being that this is my third business plan in three years, I hope I get it right by now. UGH, it's hours of research. I don't know how I thought I could do this on my own. I secretly hope I didn't waste those countless hours of my life.

2) I still have to hone in on my target market for the Lunology app. Then I have to finish all the Lunology text. Then I have to refine the design and user interface.  Then I have the animation frustration.

3) I am going to decorate the envelopes of six new leads for Nicolas' gigs. Three have been completed.

I think I need to take my apple to the doctor before my protection plan is up.

Did I mention that I have to find a place to live and move?

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