Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Capitalizing on the Capricorn Moon

SO much to do. Have to write while the moon's in my sign. Last night I spent my time doing the least favorite part of my job--invoicing. I also got a notice from my boss that I made almost 1300 copies last month. UHHH. Let me say that the moon being in my sign today helped in the following way.

  1. I was able to bide my time since the work order server which collects forms to contest erroneous charges was not responding
  2. the billing department gave the investigation to someone with whom I am on friendly terms
  3. that person only required that I send a copy of the document, which I did and it was done with a little spinning
I had the fortune of being in the right frame of mind (under pressure but mentally on autopilot, able to obliterate obstacles or difficulties with confidence) at the right time to let my bosses know that I am working on a marketing plan. Do you honestly think that I have had the impetus to sit down every night and come up with a brilliant marketing strategy in all my spare time? Ha, I wish. No, I have the character of being a procrastinator who gets motivated to work when I am within three nanoseconds of a deadline.
Somehow I started "randomly" receiving updates from CAMBA and found that there was a class this afternoon on social media. Another question. Do you honestly think I know the first thing about how to use social media for business marketing? Literally all I knew was that it's important and trendy right now, no idea why. After signing up for the class, I found out that it is being taught by the same person who taught the business plan class I took the summer before last (when I last worked on this blog). From the first three minutes of the class, I was blown away by this Social Media Resolution 2 video on YouTube.
Still have a ton of work to do but I made a declaration to myself to generate a certain amount of income by December 31 of this year. That is precisely what I did last year and that is precisely what I am making now. Yes, this stuff is deep.

Yesterday I had to meet with my daughter's school members and I am getting her an iPad out of it. Not bad. Meanwhile I am making all the thoughts in my head support the physical reality that I desire. Remember how in the last post, I said I needed the energy to finish my first app? No, you don't. Well, it's  LUNOLOGY and I need to shine and refine the moon phase info. Lo and behold, what should be featured as the special article of the day? Moonwatching Series!

Bloodshot eyes must now correct bad grammar content in company film...

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