Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Full Moon Martian Arian Abundant Action Amiss

ughhh. I sit here on the cusp of the wee hours of the night staving off sleep with a half empty (yes partially imbibed, folks!) french table wine glass on the right and a large cup of rapidly cooling vanilla tea on the left. So much for all the courage, action, boundless energy and enthusiasm supposedly brought on by this occasion. I was dead asleep at the height of the full moon and barely dragged myself out of bed at midnight.

I am learning the about the joys of social media with Twitter as the second of three installments and reminding myself that I have to put in effort I never knew I had in order to reach my self-imposed deadline.

What of the qualities of fire Aries should I literally burn before going to back to sleep? I am not sure I have any. Any courage I have comes from Mars on the cusp of my Scorpio ascendant. BTW most people who don't know much about the qualities of the signs think that Scorpio is a fire sign. But I do digress.

Thanks Saturn, for making my fire flame so small (Saturn in Aries) that the light of the full moon snuffed it completely (I haven't even seen the moon tonight). Not sure what I am going to gain by being up this late right now but I figured with a pending app called Lunology (soon to be called Lunologie to thwart any confusion with the lunie church by the same name) I should be finishing up some aspect of this lunar activity with a blog entry about how the full moon all but seemed to take the wind out of my bag (seems more appropriate than sails which is a metaphor much too high class to describe my sentiments at the moment).

My fire, for the moment, will consist of me taking a puff of my electronic LOGIC cigarette which has an electric blue light at the end instead of orange ash. At least I can roll my eyes at the moon on my balcony outside while I puff.

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