Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Red Light Cancer Moon for a Home that used to be a House of Ill-Repute

RedIn Social Media U class right now. While waiting for classmates to resolve technical isssues on prehistoric PCs, I decided to do this entry at 2:15 pm instead of 2:15 am. Title of last blog was need a sign for a grand design and this morning, my notebook from 2009 was on the table opened to a page that I had copied from a book checked out from the library. I must have written the name of the book somewhere but the notebook was hijacked by a 2 year old, subsequently filled with scribbles and I believe the information I extensively copied was carried on in some other .99 cent notebook.

But back to the page: "strategic planning" (solving the right problem), clarity about what I want to accomplish by defining it. Goal planning should be SMART Goal Planning. Specific and Clearly Defined, Motivating and stimulating, Achievable (esp in terms of time frame) and honest and Tactical (have strategy and discipline). Now this Cancerian moon is going against my Capricorn nature so it's a red light period for me. My husban is busily cleaning and doing home activities to prepare for his mother's arrival from France tomorrow. He's doing just what he should under this moon. Me, I am just hoping that I can get my two team members to work for a couple of hours and get to the breaking bad habits meeting so I can get the child to stay in bed all night.

On a tangent once more before I run off to work...I can't seem to find the Linda Goodman chapter anywhere on Red Light/Green Light chapter that says why when the moon is in the Sun's opposite sign is a shitty day for the opposing sun sign. I will let you know about that later.                                                        

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