Sunday, October 2, 2011

Libran Lethargy

I have been away for so long. So many things have happened in the last year since my last blog entry. I don't even know when it was. I was homeless then. Luckily I have a place to live in a beautiful neighborhood. Is it perfect in every way? No. Is it mine? No but I am determined to have a different answer to those questions in my blog entry in a year. Ditmas Park is shockingly non-New York City. Not sure if I could be here if it were any other way. I live in a real house, (a part of it) with a front and back yard, driveway, balcony, porch and three levels. Not exactly the two bedroom in Bed Stuy directly across the street from the Men's Homeless Shelter of last July (we lived there one month).

Tonight will be just a quick nod that I am still here. My life has improved dramatically. Finally I have the internal strength to draw to myself the stability I need to accomplish what I am here to do. I do have bonecrushingly difficult struggles in my life at the moment. But I know I will knock any and all obstacles or transform the crises into opportunities. I, I, I. The I of I. OK. Still have weak moments but when I look back at how far I have come, there is nothing I can't do. Hold up. I am super drained. In bed right now, physically and somewhat emotionally spent, I have so many projects to do right now meaning at this very second. No coffee, no tea, no energy supplements are enough to get me from under the covers and to the atelier. As the moon enters capricorn (albeit going into is worst sign), I anticipate a surge of energy/inspiration. I am going to will it, summon of it, literally make my declaration manifest into physical reality just to be sure that I can. You guys, I need this to complete the Lunology for 2012.

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